Maplestory: How to Make Mesos/Money Guide

Merchanting in Maplestory is to buy items for a low cost, and reselling them for a higher price. By doing so, you will eventually become rich.

Step 1: Get some money to start with

Merchanting is really hard for people who have less than 10 million mesos. I suggest doing the quest, Subani's Legacy and then selling the reward, which is a Gloves for ATT 60% scroll. It sells for 6-8 Million mesos in most servers, which is just enough to start merchanting.


Step 2: Getting a Store Permit

Merchanting in Maplestory is to buy items for a low cost, and reselling them for a higher price. By doing so, you will eventually become rich.

Step 1: Get some money to start with

Merchanting is really hard for people who have less than 10 million mesos. I suggest doing the quest, Subani's Legacy and then selling the reward, which is a Gloves for ATT 60% scroll. It sells for 6-8 Million mesos in most servers, which is just enough to start merchanting.


Step 2: Getting a Store Permit

Merchanting in Maplestory is really hard without a Store permit. Now, you're probably thinking, "wtf i haz 2 waste reel lyf money!?!?!".

If you can't use your money to buy NX, you have two options.

1. Doing FREE NX Surveys on Nexon's website.

By doing Free NX surveys, I manage to get around 30k NX per month, and around 1K NX per day.

The amount of NX that is rewarded depends on what you have to do. By just spamming surveys and offers, you can get enough NX to buy a Store Permit, which is 1.8K NX.

2. Selling things in the MTS. (Only recommend for people with 100 Million+)

The best and easiest way to get NX is to buy Gloves for ATT 60% scrolls, and selling them in the MTS. The price may vary in each server, so check the average price in your server, then make a price.

After getting your store permit, you need to know which FM rooms are most visited. Obviously, FM 1 is the most visited. When I open a store, I usually aim for 1, 7, 13 and 19, which are the first rooms of each row. If there are no spots, I go for the second row. When you see a open spot, run to it quickly and open your store. Instead of typing the store title, I paste what I have copied, to make it faster. If you can't find a spot, don't give up! Wait a few minutes and look again.


Step 4: Learning the prices

Just a few months ago, I learned that I have been getting scammed my entire life on MapleStory. The prices of items on Basilmarket and the prices of items in Store Permits, are VERY different. To learn the prices, I suggest going to Store Permits, and looking at what people sell the most. Remember those prices, they are going to be your selling value.

Another way to learn prices is to go to The prices there are low. In order to find the actual price, you must take the price there, and multiply it by 1.3. That price is going to be your selling value.

For example: The Price of a Glove for ATT 60% scroll on Basilmarket is 6 Million Mesos. 6 Mil X 1.3 = 6.3 Mil.


Step 5: Buy low, sell high

Once you get over 50 Million Mesos, and you know the prices, I suggest buying items from players, and selling them for a higher price. When you are buying items, try to buy items or scrolls that are in other players' stores as well.

Try to avoid buying the FM Entrance. Most of the "B> Scrolls!" are professional merchanters that use bots to make their job easier.

An easy way to buy items is to browse other peoples shops. Occasionally, you will find someone who mistyped their price on a item. Take advantage of it and merch off them. The best place to search is on the second row. The bottom row is usually always overpriced. If you ever run into a person that has almost everything under priced, I suggest writing their name down, and tracking them down just to buy their items.

Buying items from Kerning City is really good because most of the people there are not aware of the prices. Occasionally, you will find a person saying "S> Gloves for ATT 60%, 100k!".

If you are asked to offer on a item, try to offer something low, if they reject your offer, don't worry, it's just a game.


Step 6: You are now a MERCHANT!

Now that you understand the concepts of Merchanting, you can now turn it up a gear.

Take chances. If you see a item that you think will inflate the next patch, buy it.

Remember, Merchanting takes practice. If you are making 1 - 10 Million Mesos an hour, don't worry, you'll get better as you gain more experience.

My personal experience as a merchant

Just a few months ago, I started to merch in Maplestory. I started off with 50 million mesos, and in around one week, I got my first billion. After a while, merchanting was really easy, as I knew all of the prices.

Here are some rules I follow when I merchant:

1. Buy low sell high

2. Never merchant when prices are not stable

3. Get lucky : there's always a chance that you will run into someone that is clueless. If that's the case, take advantage of them.

4. Get connections : Find people who are also merchants. Ask them the prices, and ask for their spots if they have to go.

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